
Market News

PRIIPs Q&A for investment funds

Date: 12 January 2023

The ESAs published today an updated version of their PRIIPs Q&A for investment funds.

Clarifications include:

  • how to describe a product (actively / passively managed, benchmark, ETFs),
  • the market risk assessment (absolute return and flexible funds)
  • the calculation of performance scenario, use of proxies or benchmarks in the calculation, the publication of monthly performance scenario calculations
  •  how to disclose past performances
  •  disclosure of performances and costs for products with a RHP < 1 year
  • the provision of PRIIPs KIDs
  • the calculation of the summary cost indicators
  • the presentation of costs (performance fees)

Link to the document: ESA

EFA produces PRIIPs KIDs for its clients and will analyse and take into account the guidance provided in this Q&A.

For more information on this EFA service and the applicable commercial terms, contact us !