
Market News

Luxembourg updates its fund legislation

Date: 13 July 2023

Do you want to set-up a fund? The Luxembourg investment fund toolbox has become even more attractive and efa is there to help you!

On 11 July 2023, the Luxembourg Parliament voted the following changes to the laws on SICARs, SIFs, RAIFs, UCI, and AIFMs:
1) significant tax incentives for ELTIFs and PEPPs
2) a reduction of the minimum investment capital requirement from EUR 125,000 to EUR 100,000 to qualify as well-informed investor
3) an extension of the deadlines to reach the fund minimum capital
4) additional structuring options of UCI Part II funds
5) the possibility for AIFMs to use tied agents and clarifications concerning the marketing of alternative investment funds in Luxembourg

The text of the law now awaits exemption from the second constitutional vote before being definitively adopted.

For more information, please refer to the draft law available at:

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